Dental Crown

If you’re like most people, your teeth are put through a lot on a daily basis. This means that they experience wear and tear, decay, and more. Restorative dental procedures such as dental crowns can help.

In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about dental crowns at Glow Up Dentistry in Richmond, TX.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a restorative dental device that is used to restore the size, shape, strength, and appearance of a severely damaged tooth. It is commonly referred to as a “cap”.

Types of Dental Crowns

There are several types of dental crowns to choose from:

Top Reasons for a Dental Crown

There are several reasons that a patient may need a dental crown:
In some cases, a stainless steel dental crown may be recommended for primary teeth in pediatric patients because:

Dental Crowns Procedure Overview

If you need a dental crown, you typically have two options traditional or same-day. A traditional crown typically requires a minimum of 2 appointments and a same-day crown can typically be completed within 4 hours. Here’s how you can expect each procedure to go:

Traditional Dental Crowns

At the first appointment, the dentist will examine and prepare the tooth that requires a crown. This involves removing some of the enamel to create space for the crown. Then, an impression will be created of the area. The impression will be sent to the dental lab for the fabrication of your custom crown. Most of the time, you can expect to wait about 2 to 3 weeks for your permanent crown. In the meantime, a temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth.

When placing the permanent crown, we will first ensure that it is made properly. Then, we will secure it with dental glue for crowns.

Same-Day Dental Crowns

Some clinics are able to fabricate crowns in the office within about 4 hours. This allows patients to skip the temporary crown and the waiting period. First, the dentist will take digital pictures of your mouth, which will be used to fabricate your crown. Depending on your situation and the condition of your mouth, you may be able to go back to work or run some errands while you wait for the crown. Once it’s ready, we’ll ensure that it fits properly and secure it with dental glue for crowns.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

There are several benefits associated with dental crowns, including:

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

The lifespan of a dental crown depends on your oral hygiene practices and habits related to your mouth including:

However, on average, a dental crown will last up to 15 years- maybe a little more if you do not engage in the above habits and you practice proper oral hygiene.

Dental Crown Cost

There are several factors involved in determining the cost of a crown:

Typically, the cost ranges from about $400 to $3,000 without dental insurance. Most dental plan providers will cover up to 50% of the cost if it is classified as a restorative procedure, not a cosmetic.

Our office staff will be happy to work with your provider to determine your coverage options. If your coverage is inadequate or you do not have dental insurance, we will be happy to explain our financing options.

Who Is A Good Candidate For a Dental Crown?

If you have a cavity that is too large for a filling or if you have a tooth that is weakened, cracked, or severely worn down, you are a good candidate for a crown. Also, if you’ve had root canal treatment, you may need a dental crown to protect and preserve the structure of the tooth. Finally, if you need a dental bridge, you may need a crown for each side of the gap to prevent alteration of the neighboring natural teeth or if you need a single dental implant, a crown can be used to replace the missing tooth.

If you have a tooth that you think may need a dental crown, schedule your appointment with the team at Glow Up Dentistry in Richmond. We can help you restore your smile and your confidence with dental crowns and other procedures.

Dental Crown FAQs

If you have any questions or concerns about dental crowns or other procedures, we’ll be happy to address those at any time. Below are some of the most common questions we get about this procedure:

No, dental crowns do not hurt. For the placement, you will be given local anesthesia to numb the area. If you do have pain during placement, signal to the dentist and we will provide more anesthesia. If you have pain while healing, schedule an appointment as soon as possible so that the issue can be addressed.

Once you get a permanent crown, you should be able to eat just about anything. However, for the first few days, you’ll want to avoid sticky foods, chewing gum, crunching ice, fizzy drinks, and raisins/other dried fruits. These could cause damage if consumed right away.
Yes, it is possible for bacteria to get under the crown, causing a cavity to form. If you have signs and symptoms that you have a cavity, it’s important to have it addressed right away to prevent it from spreading.

You should not have tooth sensitivity after a dental crown is placed. If you do, it’s important to contact the dentist right away so that you can get an appointment to find out what is causing the problem.

Yes, you can drink coffee with dental crowns. However, just like with your natural teeth, you’ll want to make sure that you keep them clean and, if you have extreme sensitivity, schedule an appointment with the dentist right away, as it could indicate that something is not right.
Yes, you should brush your crown and floss around it, just like you would your natural teeth. This will keep it clean and reduce your risk of complications.
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